Runner update

The game is pretty much finished. I've added a tilemap that will instance the coins when the game is started.  Whenever you hit 21000 score, the game will reset itself and you will reach the next level. When you reach the next level, the geam will instance all the coins again, reset the player's and enemies position and you continue to play on the next level.  The enemies now have a path generator which targets the player and will take  the shortes path to navigate through. The first enemy will start chassing the player as soon as you press start, or when you reach the next level, the second after 10 seconds, and the third after 20 seconds. The second and third enemy is also slower than the first enemy, but as you advance to the next level, all enemies speed will get a boost of speed. There is a timer that keeps track of the play timer and shows minutes, seconds and miliseconds. 

Files Play in browser
May 23, 2022

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